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Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Today’s sectional is cancelled since Mrs. Elliot is covering rehearsal
- March 22 – HSO Soloist Q and A
- We have another opportunity to attend a dress rehearsal with the Helena symphony in two weeks
- This one will be interactive, though–you get to ask questions of the soloists performing in the show!
- Those attending are asked to arrive at the Civic Center by 5:30 pm
- Sign up at as soon as possible

- Rehearsal
- Bio Rhythms
- Capriccio Espagnol
- The Mandalorian
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Largo
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Storm the Gates
- Moondance
- Voyager
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Rehearsal
- Crocodile Rock
- I Will Sing
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Tutira Mai
- Laudamus Te
- Hallelujah
- Cape Cod Chantey
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- March 14 sectional is cancelled since Mrs. Elliot is covering rehearsal; 3:30-4:30 pm next week
- March 22 – HSO Soloist Q and A
- We have another opportunity to attend a dress rehearsal with the Helena symphony in two weeks
- This one will be interactive, though–you get to ask questions of the soloists performing in the show!
- Those attending are asked to arrive at the Civic Center by 5:30 pm
- Sign up at as soon as possible

- Rehearsal
- Voyager
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Storm the Gates
- Largo
- Moondance
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Bio Rhythms
- The Mandalorian
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Rehearsal
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Hallelujah
- Laudamus Te
- Moondance
- Crocodile Rock
- Tutira Mai
- I Will Sing
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Next Sectional is scheduled for March 14, but it might get moved (Mrs. Elliot is covering rehearsal)
- March 22 – HSO Soloist Q and A
- Start time of 6:00 pm and the Civic Center
- Details are still in development so look for more information soon
- Rehearsal
- The Mandalorian
- Storm the Gates
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Bio Rhythms
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Voyager
- Largo
Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Next sectional is March 7!
- March 22 – HSO Soloist Q and A
- Start time of 6:00 pm and the Civic Center
- Details are still in development so look for more information soon
- Rehearsal
- Moondance
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Ode Joy Festival
- Stone and Steel
- Bird on a Wire
- American Quartet
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Rehearsal
- I Will Sing
- Crocodile Rock
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Tutira Mai
- Hallelujah
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Next Sectional is March 14!
- February 23 (tomorrow) – HSO Dress Rehearsal
- Start time of 7:00 pm
- Arrive at the Civic Center by 6:40 pm
- Those having pizza for dinner should arrive by 6:00 pm
- Talk with Mr. Cleary if you want to attend but didn’t sign up
- Rehearsal
- Largo
- Voyager
- Bio Rhythms
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Storm the Gates
- Moondance
- Capriccio Espanol
- The Mandalorian
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Ode to Joy Festival
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Performance opportunity on March 3
- Rehearsal
- Tutira Mai
- Laudamus Te
- Hallelujah
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
- I Will Sing
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Sectionals today!
- No rehearsal February 15
- February 23 – HSO Dress Rehearsal
- Rehearsal
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Capriccio Espanol
- The Mandalorian
- Bio Rhythms
- Storm the Gates
- Moondance
- Largo
- Voyager
- Down by the Salley Gardens
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Rehearsal
- Hallelujah
- Moondance
- I Will Sing
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
- Ode to Joy Festival
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Hand in winter music as needed
- Schedule review
- Next sectional is Thursday, February 8 (next week)
- February 23 – HSO Dress Rehearsal!
- Rehearsal
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Moondance
- Largo
- Bio Rhythms
- Storm the Gates
- The Mandalorian
- Voyager
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Capriccio Espanol
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Pull music from books as needed
- Rehearsal
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
- Ode to Joy Festival
- I Will Sing
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
- Hallelujah
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Hand in winter music (we’re close to having it all)
- Schedule review as needed
- Next sectional is Thursday, February 8
- February 23 – HSO Dress Rehearsal!
- Rehearsal
- Ode to Joy Festival
- New Music
- Voyager
- Storm the Gates
- Moondance
- Capriccio Espanol
- Bio Rhythms
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Start whittling down tunes next week
- Rehearsal
- Hallelujah
- I Will Sing
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
- Tutira Mai
- Morning Has Broken
- Crocodile Rock
- Ode to Joy Festival
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Hand in winter music (especially holiday books)
- Schedule review as needed
- Rehearsal
- Bio Rhythms
- New Music
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- A little more reading today!
- Capriccio Espanol
- Storm the Gates
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Moondance
- Voyager
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Schedule review as needed
- Rehearsal
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
- I Will Sing
- Morning Has Broken
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Hallelujah
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the Spring Semester!
- Hand in winter music (especially holiday books)
- Review current music and plans for new tunes
- Additional music to explore (and how to make requests)
- Look over the schedule
- Sectionals today–look over the semester schedule
- Rehearsal
- Moondance
- Voyager
- Bio Rhythms
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Capriccio Espanol
- Storm the Gates
- New Music!
- Read through some new tunes as time permits
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the Spring Semester!
- Hand in winter music (especially holiday books)
- Review current music and plans for new tunes
- Additional music (how to make requests)
- Look over the schedule
- Rehearsal
- In Time of Silver Rain
- I Will Sing
- Morning Has Broken
- Laudamus Te
- Hallelujah
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the Spring Semester!
- Hand in winter music (especially holiday books)
- Review current music and plans for new tunes
- Additional music to explore (and how to make requests)
- Look over the schedule
- Slight change to sectional time
- Rehearsal
- Capriccio Espanol
- Bio Rhythms
- Storm the Gates
- Voyager
- New Music!
- Explore two previously selected pieces
- Look through some new ones if there is time
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the Spring Semester!
- Hand in winter music (especially holiday books)
- Review current music and plans for new tunes
- Additional music to explore (and how to make requests)
- Look over the schedule
- Rehearsal
- Crocodile Rock
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Sight Singing!
- Look over some options for the semester
- I Will Sing
- Morning Has Broken
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Review the schedule
- Lunch orders have been placed!
- Make sure you have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Play through the tour set list!
- Today we will jump around more than last week, though
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Welcome Camerata and Youth Chorus to rehearsal!
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Review the schedule
- Lunch orders have been placed!
- Make sure you have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- We begin with our grand finale in the orchestra room (B5)
- Back to 122 to run the tour set list!
- We may jump around a little more than last week, though
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- December 14 – Dress Rehearsal Schedule
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Review the schedule
- Lunch order forms are available (submit by December 13)
- Make sure you have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Sectional time
- Violin I to 122
- Violin II to 123
- Viola to B7
- Cello and Bass to B3
- Rehearsal
- Play through the tour set list!
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Remember to use student practice tracks at home
- December 14 – Dress Rehearsal Schedule
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Review the schedule
- Lunch order forms are available (submit by December 13)
- Make sure you have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Nightingale
- Welcome our violin soloist!
- Sing through the tour set list!
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- December 14 – Dress Rehearsal Schedule
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Permission slips are past due!
- Lunch order forms are available (submit by December 13)
- Make sure you have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Skye Boat Song
- Sakura, Sakura
- Holiday Tunes
- Avalanche
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Welcome Camerata Orchestra!
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Remember to use student practice tracks at home
- December 14 – Dress Rehearsal Schedule
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Permission slips are past due!
- Lunch order forms are available (submit by December 13)
- Make sure you have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Nightingale
- Welcome our violin soloist!
- United
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Movin’ Right Along
- Holiday Tunes
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- No rehearsals on November 23
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Permission slips are due today!
- Lunch order forms are also open and available
- Make sure you also have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Sectional time (Please focus on holiday tunes today)
- Violin I to 122
- Violin II to 123
- Viola to B7
- Cello and Bass to B3
- Rehearsal
- Avalanche
- Sakura, Sakura
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Skye Boat Song
- Holiday Tunes
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Voyager
- Storm the Gates
- Bio Rhythms
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- No rehearsals on November 23
- Remember to use the student practice tracks
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Permission slips are due today!
- Lunch order forms are also open and available
- Make sure you also have the final set list
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Movin’ Right Along
- Nightingale
- United
- Holiday Tunes
- I Will Sing
- Morning Has Broken
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Permission slips are due next week!
- The final set list is also ready to share
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Sectionals next week
- Rehearsal
- Welcome the wind ensemble!
- We will start with the holiday books today
- Skye Boat Song
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Sakura, Sakura
- Avalanche
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Voyager
- Storm the Gates
- Bio Rhythms
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Remember to use the student practice tracks
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- Permission slips are due next week!
- The final set list is also ready to share
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- 3:30 call time in the basement choir room
- Rehearsal
- Holiday Tunes!
- Run through them all and remember to sing each one twice through
- United
- Nightingale
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Movin’ Right Along
- I Will Sing
- Morning Has Broken
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00 every other week)
- Violin I to 122
- Violin II to 123
- Viola to B7
- Cello and Bass to B3
- Rehearsal
- Sakura, Sakura
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Avalanche
- Skye Boat Song
- Bio Rhythms
- Voyager
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Storm the Gates
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Student practice tracks
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- Rehearsal
- Movin’ Right Along
- United
- Nightingale
- Holiday Tunes!
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Crocodile Rock
- I Will Sing
- Morning Has Broken
- In Time of Silver Rain
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- Rehearsal
- Avalanche
- Skye Boat Song
- Sakura, Sakura
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Voyager
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Storm the Gates
- Bio Rhythms
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Student practice tracks are ready!
- December 15 – Winter Tour (all day)
- December 17 – Winter Concert at 4:00 pm (St. Paul’s United Methodist Church)
- Rehearsal
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo (new tune!)
- I Will Sing
- United
- Morning Has Broken
- Movin’ Right Along
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- October 12 – Mrs. Elliott will run rehearsal! (No sectionals)
- Rehearsal
- Skye Boat Song
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Sakura, Sakura
- Storm the Gates
- Voyager
- Bio Rhythms
- Avalanche
- Sight Reading (if there is some time)
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Student practice tracks are coming soon
- Rehearsal
- In Time of Silver Rain
- Movin’ Right Along
- I Will Sing
- United
- Morning Has Broken
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00 every other week)
- Violin I to 122
- Violin II to 123
- Viola to B7
- Cello and Bass to B3
- Rehearsal
- Storm the Gates
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Skye Boat Song
- Sakura, Sakura
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Bio Rhythms
- Avalanche
- Voyager
- Sight Reading (if there is some time)
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Rehearsal
- Crocodile Rock
- Morning Has Broken
- United
- I Will Sing
- Movin’ Right Along
- In Time of Silver Rain
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00 every other week)
- Rehearsal
- Voyager
- Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
- Bio Rhythms
- Sakura, Sakura
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Avalanche
- Skye Boat Song
- Storm the Gates
- Sight Reading
- We might have one or two more tunes to look over
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the 2023-2024 season!
- Enrollment is live at
- Rehearsal
- Sight Reading
- Let’s look over a few more options
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00 every other week)
- We start today!
- Violin I to 122
- Violin II to 123
- Viola to B7
- Cello and Bass to B3
- Hand out more music!
- Rehearsal
- Avalanche
- Storm the Gates
- Bio Rhythms
- Voyager
- Sight Reading
- We have one or two more tunes to look over
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the 2023-2024 season!
- Enrollment is live at
- New things this year
- Welcome Ms. Evans to rehearsal!
- Semester instructional plans
- New class opportunities
- Sight Reading!
- Let’s look over options and choose some music we want to sing
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the 2023-2024 season!
- Enrollment is live at
- New things this year
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00 every other week)
- Semester instructional plans
- New class opportunities
- Music
- Hand out from last week (4 tunes for now)
- Sight Reading!
- Let’s looking at options and choosing what we want to play
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the 2023-2024 season!
- Enrollment is live at
- New things this year
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00 every other week)
- Semester instructional plans
- New class opportunities
- Sight Reading!
- Let’s look over options and choose some music we want to play
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Spring Tour
- Friday, May 19 (tomorrow!)
- Set list, attire, time frames
- Spring Concert
- Saturday, May 20
- Program, attire, call time, group picture
- End of the Season!
- Concert Order
- Full Orchestra
- Incursion
- Adagio for Strings
- Fan Dance
- March from Suite No. 1
- (Camerata, Youth Chorus)
- Star Wars
- Deep Sea Fandango
- Fantasia on a Theme from Thailand
- (Camerata)
- Running Up that Hill
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Spring Tour
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, time frames
- Spring Concert
- Saturday, May 20
- Program, attire, call time, group picture
- End of the Season!
- Concert Order
- (Orchestras)
- Amani Utupe
- Kye Kye Kule
- Hotaru Koi
- The Moon
- (Orchestras)
- Running Up that Hill
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives results!
- Rehearsal May 18 (next Thursday!)
- 3:30-4:45 (Full Orchestra)
- 4:15-6:00 (Camerata Orchestra)
- Spring Tour
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, lunch orders
- Spring Concert
- Saturday, May 20
- Program, attire, call time, group picture
- Concert Order
- Full Orchestra
- Incursion
- Adagio for Strings
- Fan Dance
- March from Suite No. 1
- (Camerata, Youth Chorus)
- Star Wars
- Deep Sea Fandango
- Fantasia on a Theme from Thailand
- (Camerata)
- Running Up that Hill
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives results!
- Rehearsal May 18 (next Thursday!)
- Spring Tour
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, lunch orders
- Spring Concert
- Saturday, May 20
- Program, attire, call time, group picture
- Concert Order
- (Orchestras)
- Amani Utupe
- Kye Kye Kule
- Hotaru Koi
- The Moon
- (Orchestras)
- Running Up that Hill
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives ends tonight at 8:00 pm!
- Rehearsal May 18
- 3:30-4:45 (Full Orchestra)
- 4:15-6:00 (Camerata Orchestra)
- Tour permission slip is past due!
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, lunch orders
- Spring Concert–Saturday, May 20
- Program, attire, call time, group picture
- Rehearsal
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives ends tonight at 8:00 pm!
- Rehearsal May 18
- Tour permission slip is past due!
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, lunch orders
- Spring Concert–Saturday, May 20
- Program, attire, call time, group picture
- Rehearsal Order
- Kye Kye Kule
- The Moon
- Hotaru Koi
- Amani Utupe
- Running Up that Hill
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives, May 3-4
- Rehearsal May 18
- Tour permission slip is due today!
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, lunch orders
- Spring Concert–Saturday, May 20
- Performance Saturday, April 29; 6:35-6:55 pm at HMS Auditorium
- Rehearsal Order
- April 29 set list
- Incursion
- Deep Sea Fandango
- Fan Dance
- Star Wars
- Fantasia on a Theme from Thailand
- Tour and concert music
- Running Up That Hill
- Adagio for Strings
- March
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives, May 3-4
- Rehearsal May 18
- Tour permission slip is due today!
- Friday, May 19
- Set list, attire, lunch orders
- Spring Concert–Saturday, May 20
- Rehearsal Order
- Amani Utupe
- The Moon
- Hotaru Koi
- Kye Kye Kule
- Running Up that Hill
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Fall music and holiday books (still some to return…)
- Greater Helena Gives, May 3-4
- Rehearsal May 18
- Tour permission slip is due next week!
- Friday, May 19
- Set list
- Attire
- Lunch orders
- Our Spring Concert is on Saturday, May 20
- Performance Saturday, April 29; 6:35-6:55 pm (slight adjustment); HMS Auditorium
- Rehearsal Order
- Adagio for Strings
- March
- Fantasia on a Theme from Thailand
- Running Up That Hill
- Star Wars
- Fan Dance
- Deep Sea Fandango
- Incursion
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives, May 3-4
- Rehearsal May 18
- Tour permission slip is due next week!
- Friday, May 19
- Set list
- Attire
- Lunch orders
- Our Spring Concert is on Saturday, May 20
- Rehearsal Order
- The Moon
- Amani Utupe
- Hotaru Koi
- Running Up that Hill
- Kye Kye Kule
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Fall music and holiday books (still some to return…)
- Tour permission slip and set list
- Our Spring Concert is on Saturday, May 20
- Performance Saturday, April 29; 6:40-7:00 pm; HMS Auditorium
- This is moving forward with those who indicated interest–a set list is ready today
- Mr. Cleary is still working on the Safeway opportunity
- Last Chance Music Camp!
- Rehearsal Order
- Adagio for Strings
- March
- Fantasia on a Theme from Thailand
- Running Up That Hill
- Star Wars
- Fan Dance
- Deep Sea Fandango
- Incursion
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Practice reminders
- Tour permission slip and set list
- Last Chance Music Camp!
- Rehearsal Order
- The Moon
- Amani Utupe
- Hotaru Koi
- Running Up that Hill
- Kye Kye Kule
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Fall music and holiday books (still some to get…)
- Our Spring Concert is on Saturday, May 20
- Performance Saturday, April 29; 6:40-7:00 pm; HMS Auditorium
- We have enough and will move it forward!
- Mr. Cleary is also working on the Safeway opportunity in the coming week
- Last Chance Music Camp!
- Rehearsal Order
- Adagio for Strings
- Star Wars
- Incursion
- March
- Running Up That Hill
- Deep Sea Fandango
- Fan Dance
- Fantasia on a Theme from Thailand
Youth Chorus
- Warm ups
- General Reminders
- Practice reminders
- Last Chance Music Camp!
- Rehearsal Order
- Running Up that Hill
- Kye Kye Kule
- Hotaru Koi
- The Moon
- Amani Utupe