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Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule
- Sectional on March 13 (next week!)
- Ironhorse Apparel
- Upcoming Opportunities
- HSO Rehearsal 3/21
- Fundraiser 3/23
- XPress Singers 4/3
- Rehearsal
- Smoke on the Water
- Afterthoughts
- Buccaneer Country
- Tam Lyn
- Castle Lore
- New World Symphony
- William Tell Overture
- 1812 Overture
- Dragon Dances
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Winter Music
- Schedule
- Performance Opportunities
- Discuss survey and options to consider
- Rehearsal
- Dragon Dances
- William Tell Overture
- Buccaneer Country
- 1812 Overture
- Castle Lore
- Tam Lyn
- Afterthoughts
- New World Symphony
- Smoke on the Water
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Winter Music
- Schedule
- Performance Opportunities
- Survey getting emailed soon
- Rehearsal
- William Tell Overture
- New World Symphony
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- Tam Lyn
- Smoke on the Water
- Castle Lore
- 1812 Overture
- Dragon Dances
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Hand in winter music
- Hand out new tunes as needed
- Schedule
- Sectional (with Ms. K) February 13 (next week!)
- Rehearsal
- 1812 Overture
- Afterthoughts
- Tam Lyn
- New World Symphony
- Dragon Dances
- William Tell Overture
- Castle Lore
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Hand in winter music
- Hand out two new tunes as needed
- Schedule
- Rehearsal
- Buccaneer Country
- Smoke on the Water
- Castle Lore
- Dragon Dances
- New World Symphony
- Tam Lyn
- Afterthoughts
- William Tell Overture
- 1812 Overture
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Spring Semester details
- Hand in winter music
- Hand out two new tunes as needed
- Schedule information
- Rehearsal changes
- Sectional plans
- Rehearsal
- William Tell Overture
- Afterthoughts
- Tam Lyn
- 1812 Overture
- Castle Lore
- New World Symphony
- Dragon Dances
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the Spring Semester
- Hand in winter music (if you haven’t already)
- Hand out two new tunes!
- Review the online schedule
- Sectionals!
- These will run until 5:00 today
- Violins and Violas with Mrs. K to Choir Room
- Cellos with Mr. Micah in Orchestra Room
- Return to Orchestra Room to run through selected music
Full and Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the Spring Semester!
- Hand in winter music
- Review current music and plans for new tunes
- Additional music to explore (and how to make requests)
- Look over the schedule
- Changes to overall rehearsals (times and ensembles)
- Sectional plans
- Rehearsal
- Smoke on the Water
- New World Symphony
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- Castle Lore
- Dragon Dances
- 1812 Overture
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Performance
- Saturday, December 14 (this weekend!)
- 4:00 pm start time at Touchmark (3:30 call time)
- Full Concert Attire
- Concert Program
- Spring Semester
- Final Dress Rehearsal
- Desert Sands
- 21 Guns
- This is Halloween
- Hallelujah Chorus
- 1812 Overture
- Smoke on the Water
- Castle Lore
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- New World Symphony
- Dragon Dances
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Final dress rehearsal is December 12!
- Full Orchestra 3:30-4:45 pm
- Camerata Orchestra 4:15-5:30 pm
- Performance
- Saturday, December 14
- 4:00 pm start time at Touchmark (3:30 call time)
- Full Concert Attire
- Concert Program
- Spring Semester
- Rehearsal
- 21 Guns
- Hallelujah Chorus
- This is Halloween
- Desert Sands
- Dragon Dances
- Castle Lore
- 1812 Overture
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- New World Symphony
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Reminder
- No rehearsals next week! (Enjoy Thanksgiving)
- Performances
- Friday, December 13 – No tour this semester
- Saturday, December 14
- 4:00 pm start time at Touchmark (3:30 call time)
- Rehearsal
- Hallelujah Chorus
- Dessert Sands
- 21 Guns
- This is Halloween
- Dragon Dances
- Castle Lore
- 1812 Overture
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- New World Symphony
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)–that’s today!
- Performances
- Friday, December 13 – No tour this semester
- Saturday, December 14
- 4:00 pm start time at Touchmark (3:30 call time)
- Rehearsal
- This is Halloween
- Dessert Sands
- Hallelujah Chorus
- 21 Guns
- Dragon Dances
- Castle Lore
- 1812 Overture
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- New World Symphony
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- We are planning on November 14 (next week)!
- Performances
- Friday, December 13 – No tour this semester
- Saturday, December 14
- 4 rehearsals after today!
- 4:00 pm start time at Touchmark (3:30 call time)
- Information will be emailed soon
- Rehearsal
- 21 Guns
- Dessert Sands
- Hallelujah Chorus
- This is Halloween
- Dragon Dances
- Castle Lore
- 1812 Overture
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
- Afterthoughts
- New World Symphony
Full Orchestra
- Happy Halloween!
- General Reminders
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- We are planning on November 14!
- Tour and Concert Plans
- Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14
- Rehearsal
- New World Symphony
- Dessert Sands
- 21 Guns
- This is Halloween
- Hallelujah Chorus
- Dragon Dances
- 1812 Overture
- Afterthoughts
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
- Castle Lore
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- We are planning on November 14 right now!
- Tour and Concert Plans
- Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14
- Rehearsal
- Hallelujah Chorus
- 21 Guns
- This is Halloween
- Dessert Sands
- New World Symphony
- 1812 Overture
- Dragon Dances
- Afterthoughts
- Smoke on the Water
- Buccaneer Country
- Castle Lore
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Complete enrollment at
- If online doesn’t work, ask for a paper brochure
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Today we are giving it a try!
- Rehearsal
- Dessert Sands
- Hallelujah Chorus
- This is Halloween
- 21 Guns
- Castle Lore
- New World Symphony
- Afterthoughts
- Smoke on the Water
- 1812 Overture
- Dragon Dances
- Buccaneer Country
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Complete enrollment at
- If online doesn’t work, ask for a paper brochure!
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Thoughts on October 10 (next week)
- Rehearsal
- Buccaneer Country
- 21 Guns
- Dessert Sands
- Afterthoughts
- Hallelujah Chorus
- This is Halloween
- New World Symphony
- Smoke on the Water
- 1812 Overture
- Dragon Dances
- Castle Lore
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Complete enrollment at
- If online doesn’t work, ask for a paper brochure!
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Right now, we are on for October 10!
- Rehearsal
- Castle Lore
- This is Halloween
- Afterthoughts
- Dragon Dances
- Buccaneer Country
- 21 Guns
- Dessert Sands
- New World Symphony
- Smoke on the Water
- 1812 Overture
- Hallelujah Chorus
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Complete enrollment at
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Rehearsal
- 1812 Overture
- Hallelujah Chorus
- Smoke on the Water
- This is Halloween
- 21 Guns
- Buccaneer Country
- Castle Lore
- Dessert Sands
- New World Symphony
- Dragon Dances
- Afterthoughts
Camerata Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Complete enrollment at
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:00-4:30, first rehearsal of each month)
- Discuss opinions and options
- Rehearsal
- This is Halloween
- Irish Jig and Aire
- MacPherson’s Lament
- Smoke on the Water
- Pirate’s Plunder
- Hallelujah Chorus
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to new participants!
- Remember to enroll at
- Reminders
- Sectionals (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Hand out music from last week
- Start working through current tunes
- Dragon Dances
- Castle Lore
- New World Symphony
- 21 Guns
- Hallelujah Chorus
- Smoke on the Water
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the 2024-2025 season!
- Enrollment is live at
- Overview of the year
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Next sectional is September 12
- Instructional plans
- New class opportunities
- Hand out music from last week
- Sight Reading!
- Continue to look over options and choose additional tunes to play
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Welcome to the 2024-2025 season!
- Enrollment is live at
- Overview of the year
- Sectional time (4:30-5:00, second rehearsal of each month)
- Instructional plans
- New class opportunities
- Performance Opportunities
- September 4 and 8–looking for volunteers
- Sight Reading!
- Let’s look over options and choose some music we want to play
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Final rehearsal of the season!
- Wear your Ironhorse shirts for pictures we take today
- New shirts are here for those who ordered them
- General Reminders
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – 7:00 am in Room 123; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Spring Concert
- Saturday, May 18 – St. Paul’s United Methodist Church–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Concert Order
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Largo
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- The Mandalorian
- Voyager
- Bio Rhythms
- Storm the Gates
- With Camerata
- All Ensembles
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Review information from our combined rehearsal
- Concert Order
- Hallelujah
- I Will Sing
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
- Laudamus Te
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Final sectionals today!
- Winds will also rehearse until 5:00
- May 16 (next week) will run long too (so we can rehearse with other ensembles)
- Full Orchestra and Winds – 3:30-5:00 pm
- Camerata Orchestra – 4:15-6:00 pm
- General Reminders
- Shirt orders will be delivered at rehearsal next week!
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–lunch orders May 15; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- The Mandalorian
- Largo
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Voyager
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Storm the Gates
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Bio Rhythms
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- May 16 (next week) will run long (so we can rehearse with other ensembles)
- 4:30-6:00 pm, starting the orchestra room
- Shirt orders will be delivered at rehearsal next week!
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–lunch orders May 15; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- Hallelujah
- Cape Cod Chantey
- I Will Sing
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Laudamus Te
- Crocodile Rock
- Moondance
- Tutira Mai
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives wraps up tonight–everyone has until 8:00 pm to make their donations to our annual fundraiser
- Schedule review
- Final sectionals on May 9 (next week)!
- Winds will also rehearse 3:30-5:00 this day
- May 16 will run long too (so we can rehearse with other ensembles)
- Full Orchestra and Winds – 3:30-5:00 pm
- Camerata Orchestra – 4:15-6:00 pm
- General Reminders
- Shirt orders will be delivered at rehearsal on May 16!
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips past due; lunch orders May 15; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Storm the Gates
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Bio Rhythms
- Largo
- Voyager
- Moondance
- Jubilee Fanfare
- The Mandalorian
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Greater Helena Gives wraps up tonight–everyone has until 8:00 pm to make their donations to our annual fundraiser
- May 16 will run long (so we can rehearse with other ensembles)
- 4:30-6:00 pm, starting the orchestra room
- Shirt orders will be delivered at rehearsal on May 16!
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips past due; lunch orders May 15; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- I Will Sing
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Tutira Mai
- Moondance
- Hallelujah
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Final sectionals on May 9!
- Winds will also rehearse 3:30-5:00 this day
- May 16 will run long too (so we can rehearse with other ensembles)
- Full Orchestra and Winds – 3:30-5:00 pm
- Camerata Orchestra – 4:15-6:00 pm
- General Reminders
- Shirt orders–please make sure you have one or order one by April 28 (Sunday!)
- Hoodies and hats are also available if you want either of those
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips due today; lunch orders due May 15; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- The Mandalorian
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Voyager
- Moondance
- Bio Rhythms
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Largo
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Storm the Gates
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- May 16 will run long (so we can rehearse with other ensembles)
- 4:30-6:00 pm, starting the orchestra room
- Shirt orders–please make sure you have one or order one by April 28 (Sunday!)
- Hoodies and hats are also available if you want either of those
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips due today; lunch orders due May 15; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–call time at 3:15 pm, picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
- Moondance
- Hallelujah
- Laudamus Te
- Ode to Joy Festival
- I Will Sing
- Cape Cod Chantey
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Final sectionals on May 9!
- May 16 will most likely run long too–we will need to work with Camerata and the Youth Chorus that day
- General Reminders
- Shirt orders–please make sure you have one or order one by April 28
- Hoodies and hats are also available if you want either of those
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips due by the end of this month; lunch orders are available today; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–aiming for picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- Voyager
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Moondance
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Bio Rhythms
- Storm the Gates
- The Mandalorian
- Largo
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- May 16 will most likely run long and start early–we will need to work with Camerata and the Youth Orchestra that day
- Shirt orders–please make sure you have one or order one by April 28
- Hoodies and hats are also available if you want either of those
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips by the end of this month; lunch orders are available today; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–aiming for picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- Crocodile Rock
- Hallelujah
- Tutira Mai
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Moondance
- Laudamus Te
- I Will Sing
- Cape Cod Chantey
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Sectionals today!
- Mr. Cleary is absent April 18 (Mrs. Elliott will lead rehearsal)
- General Reminders
- Shirt orders–please make sure you have one or order one by April 28
- Hoodies and hats are also available if you want either of those
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips by the end of this month; lunch orders; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–aiming for picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- The Mandalorian
- Storm the Gates
- Moondance
- Largo
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Voyager
- Bio Rhythms
- Down by the Salley Gardens
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Mr. Cleary is absent April 18
- Shirt orders–please make sure you have one or order one by April 28
- Hoodies and hats are also available if you want either of those
- Spring Tour and Concert
- Friday, May 17 – Tour around town–permission slips by the end of this month; lunch orders; functional concert attire with Ironhorse shirts
- Saturday, May 18 – Concert at St. Paul’s–aiming for picture at 3:30 pm; start time at 4:00 pm; full concert attire
- Rehearsal
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Laudamus Te
- Hallelujah
- Moondance
- I Will Sing
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- Our next sectional is scheduled for April 11 (next week)
- Mr. Cleary is absent April 18 (Mrs. Elliott will lead rehearsal)
- Rehearsal
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Voyager
- Storm the Gates
- Bio Rhythms
- Moondance
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Ode to Joy Festival
- The Mandalorian
- Largo
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- Mr. Cleary is absent April 18
- Rehearsal
- Tutira Mai
- Crocodile Rock
- Laudamus Te
- Ode to Joy Festival
- I Will Sing
- Hallelujah
- Moondance
- Cape Cod Chantey
Full Orchestra
- General Reminders
- Schedule review
- No rehearsals on March 28
- Our next sectional is scheduled for April 11!
- March 22 – HSO Soloist Q and A
- Last chance to attend the Helena symphony dress rehearsal of Friday!
- This one will be interactive–you get to ask questions of the soloists performing in the show!
- Those attending are asked to arrive at the Civic Center by 5:30 pm
- Sign up at as soon as possible

- Rehearsal
- Largo
- Bio Rhythms
- Moondance
- Capriccio Espagnol
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Storm the Gates
- The Mandalorian
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Jubilee Fanfare
- Voyager
Youth Chorus
- Warm Ups
- General Reminders
- No rehearsals on March 28
- Rehearsal
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Hallelujah
- I Will Sing
- Moondance
- Ode to Joy Festival
- Crocodile Rock
- Tutira Mai
- Laudamus Te